mercredi 19 décembre 2012

Kiwi, old main, memories..

Tido susah, tak tido pon susah. Semalam aku tido pukul 10 malam sampai 530 pagi, shift pukul 6am-6pm tadi. Tapi memandangkan aku kena tukar ke shift 12am-12pm balik, aku balik tido awal la tadi sebab keje pon takde lagi, belom start drill untuk next section. Pukul 2 petang tadi aku blah dari unit. Balik bilik tu hesitate nak tido ke tak.

Sekarang kalu tak layan treadmill 10km rasa sangat membazir. Jadi aku nekadkan diri untuk layan dulu. Nice, another record breaking day for me as I managed to spent 63 minutes on the treadmill to run for 10.75km. Kalu ikut meter dia tu, aku burnt 730KCal kot tadi. Entah la labu.

A year ago I never think that I can run continuously for 10km, I was always admire those people who can do so, I think that they are very fit. Mula-mula berjinak dengan treadmill ni taun 2011, I still remember it was at Penn State gym when I visited my girlfriend. Punya lah jakun.

Pastu next time layan gym kat Malaysia, kebetulan kat opis ade gym. Tengok brader kat sebelah nye speed 10, aku kagum. Gile lah laju gile mamat ni lari 10. Rupenye 10km/h.. Kat US dulu kan 10mph. Hihihi.

Tula ceritanya, taun lepas tiap kali gym target 4-5km je. Taun ni pon same, kalu pegi awana paling banyak pon 6km. Tapi sejak awal bulan November naik rig, I pushed myself day after day, slow-slow sekarang 10km tu takde hal lah. Setakat 5km langsung tak tercungap, dengan speed 10.5kmh, heartbeat pon 160 je.

Yang paling best, makan tak jaga, tapi masih boleh kurangkan berat. Takde amik ape-ape supplement pon. Tapi nasi memang sikit lah, sesenduk je. TAPI.. Makan daging macam orang gila, ni yang tak bagus ni. Tengok lah semalam, bantai ayam goreng 4 ketul, carrot cake lagi. Sebab tula kena jogging banyak, untuk compensate nafsu makan.

Lagi-lagi kalu dorg serve steak let it be roasted or grilled, kambing ke lembu ke, macam orang gila lah aku makan. Amik carrot yang dia potong panjang-panjang tu 5-6 batang buat ulam, buah sikit. Orange juice kena minum at least segelas sehari untuk vitamin C gitu. Susu bantai mase breakfast lah dengan corn flakes.

Bila lah agaknya nak kembali ke zaman kegemilangan 59kg ni. Haa betul bulan April taun lepas 59kg je. Dec  pon 59kg, balik Malaysia dari January sampai June maintain 62-63kg. Lepas bulan June je, sejak keje luar opis, dengan makan boleh claim, hamekk.. Tuhan saja yang tahu. Sekarang kat offshore ni lagilah makan free, kena selera aku pulak tu. Sekarang workout beres, kena dicipline bab makan pulak.

Sebenarnya macam biase, aku tak kisah pon kalu berat 1 tan, asal perut flat.. Ni walopun takde beer belly, tapi belly fat penuh dengan sampah sarap.

Sekarang aku merapu tulis entry ni sebab tak dapat tido. Terbaca blog orang pergi NY, pegi Statue of Liberty, terus aku teringat memori dulu-dulu. Tah la berapa kali aku ke NY. Mungkin 5-6 kali kot. Jalan-jalan around Manhattan, 5th Avenue, Timesquare, layan Italian hot dog yang best, seriously I never had such a good hot dog, best I ever had. Can be found very easily at streets along NY. Layan nasik tepi jalan ngan lauk shawarma kambing tu. Perhh.

Same routine, but I just enjoy the walk around. Keluar masuk kedai, M&M worlds, macam-macam lah. Pas lepak NY, mesti ke Penn State.

You know, I just miss the winter and spring there. When you went to your lecture, many times I walked you there, we had random talks bout lots of things. Then U went in, I went back to the 3 stooges(jangan marah) place. I wish I could kiss you on the chin before you go.

I never bring my laptop, I remember you let me used your Macbook to kill time when you are away. I just laze at the hall, going online doing nothing, ate Walmart' sour cream and onion chips, cheese cake. Then you finished class, you came back to cook lunch, we ate together, or you bring me somewhere to have lunch.

It might be just a small town, but I just love the atmosphere. When I visited you twice in spring 2010 and 2011, I remember we used to spend times together at the park near alumni center (or what is it called?), we chat about random things, enjoyed the scene, the ducks. Then we went to Kiwi, where till now I still cannot find any froyo served better than Kiwi.

Sometimes we had breakfast at Pancake house, occasionally we go shop for groceries at Walmart, always have a dollar note and a dime coin for the bus fare. We rented car to go to outlet.

Ape lagi eh? Those good old days.. You may be able to travel when you are a working man, but for me, the trip and feeling is not the same as if you are during your student days. We have lots of lovely memories at this cute little town, lets go back there again sometimes later..

Nanti dah puas keje field I have the intention of being a lecturer in any petroleum/drilling related subject, earn easy money just enough to sustain a simple life, have times to spend with my lovely family. Deep inside my heart, I want to teach there.

Cute kid, you should know that long before you were born, we were talking about you. We even have a special code name that we use when we refer you. It is not the name that will be given for you, simply a reference :)

2 commentaires:

Mohd Syafei Ahmad a dit…

Well done on your running progress.. nanti boleh masuk marathon sesama.

on second part yg mengimbau kenangan lalu tu.. too sweet lah boleh kena diabetis tau

Cikgu Sarah a dit…

Khatam belog senior 1 malam. hahaha..
terkesan dgn 1 ayat.

"korang ada ape aku nak.aku ade apa yg korang nak".


Ardik manis.. Mana datang dari ini ardik..?