I am now in Abu Dhabi, UAE, This is my 25th country visited. Not for holiday or good time. It will be a torturing 9 weeks, that is something sure.
This company is not just another company. It squeezes the hell out of the Engineers. I love the challenges even sometimes I feel like I can't take it. But I keep myself strong, I don't wanna give up and I want to beat the challenges.
Seriously, I really meant it when I say this is no ordinary training. With this company, every segment and position has its own specific training program. For my segment, normally they send the engineers to this training after what they call as 'pre-school' period of 6 weeks up to almost 6 months, in my case.
During this pre-school period, I worked, and at the same time I needed to absorb and learn the materials given, take online tests. Lots, really lots of tests and topics need to be mastered, you may cheat for the online test, but bear in mind that at the training center I need to take the entrance exam on the 1st day of the course.
Passing mark is 75%, in case of failure, you need to retake and the passing mark increases to 80%. That was what happened to me. Luckily I barely passed the retake earlier today. Shit, I was like half dead. Seriously this is not easy at all. Lots of things need to be mastered.
My pre-school period was long, but I barely had time to really master the learning materials. Dah lepas entrance exam, nanti 9 minggu pon tak senang duduk. Challenging tests and assessments, banyak kelas yang bile tamat course tinggal separuh je.
We are like pieces of meat being grilled, kaw-kaw punya. Seriously bukan senang nak senang. Kat uni dulu mane de nak dapat 75 setiap tests or assesments. Ni takde tolong-tolong punya. Memang gile laa yang survive.
Haa kalu tak lepas entrance exam 2 kali tu kena buang kerja biasenye. Kalu lepas pon, exam atau assesment lepas2 tu pon kalu tak lepas tetap kena hantar balik ke location dan kena buang.
I don't care what will happen. I will just give my best of my best to pass. Penat seyh tiap ari kelas 830 pagi sampai 5 petang paling awal, sampai malam ada, kena study, buat assignment macam-macam lah. I like such challenge, I will pass insya Allah.
2 commentaires:
That's the spirit.. I know u have it in you
Thanks abg sham.. I know I will somehow manage to survive as usual haha
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