I don't know, I am not in the position to complain, people will say theirs are even shittier. But my working life is kinda like hell. It is very challenging, I am loving it even though it is sometimes shittier. I wonder how long will I last.
It has been a long while since the last time I wear something other than coverall to work. September was the last time I wore shirt to work. Working for 30 hours is something normal.
Thursday worked as usual 9am till 9pm at the base. Friday started at 8am finished at 10am Saturday. Slept from 11 till 3, awaken by a call asking me to go to the base again. Work from 4pm till 2am. Back home, sleep, work again from 12pm till 9pm. Then hectic offshore for 8 days, around 14-18 hours a day. Final day offshore worked night shift at 6pm till 7am, sleep for 2 hours, boarded chopper at 10, arrived shore at 11am. Straight to the base till 5pm. Next day up and running at 12pm till 12am.
This is just something to share to those who wanna work here. Everytime I feel down, money is the only motivation. Bukan kerja tak ikhlas, tapi takde duit macam mana nak beribadah dengan hati tenang nak hidup pon tak berapa nak lepas kan. I am working for my living. I don't care for now, as long as it pays.
2 commentaires:
Sabar Khairy.. ni lah masa nak cari experience. and you at the best place to do that.. stay as long as possible say min 5 years. then boleh start thinking join Operators like Exxon, Shell, etc.. I have been through the same.. but now kol 4petang je dah ada kat swimming pool, kat playground ngn anak2..
Tu laa abg sham, tak kisah lah susah penat lelah sekarang untuk senang di kemudian hari gitu hehe. Tapi memang sangat mencabar minda, perasaan dan fizikal
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